Saturday, May 03, 2008

At least I've got a date now...

Fat Man will be arriving on the 6th at 6.30 am so that means I'll have to be at the airport by 7 (how torturing) complains even though I have to get up at 6....It's sad though cause I have to work on that day at 9 till 3 so I'll only be able to spend time with my Fat one when I get home : ( . He will be leaving on the 21st so that means I will be leaving Australia on the 21st as well. I can't explain how I'm feeling at the moment...all sorts of mixed emotions; happy, fear, sad, excited all at once.

Brian McFadden will be playing at Basement on the 21st and initially I was meant to be working because I didn't know when I'd be leaving. I was so eager to see him! Now I can't see him no more.

Everything's settled with my graduation date so I'll be graduating as planned. However I am really disappointed at how the Uni replied to me and how they handled things. This tells you, the more established they are, the cockier they are.

Anyway, I heart my Fat Man. Can't wait to see him...hehehe Happy!