Friday, September 15, 2006

A beer on my table, a cig on my hand while listening to boyzone's 'Love me for a reason' hehehe

My standard clock off time at work is between 11pm-12 am. Just last friday I stayed in the office untill 8 am Saturday because the work load was just too much. Poor pinky was keeping me company while watching her cartoons on YouTube (WTF). Appreciated her company though, at least I don't feel so bored and lonely :(

Just the other day my dad was complaining saying the salary that I get is not going to be enough to pay for my medical fees next time and then went ahead to ask me to consider looking for a new job (WTF).

On another note....I was having lunch the other with my new colleague. Apparently she knows palm reading and face fengshui. So she took my right hand and the first thing that she said was 'Damn! your love life sucks!!!'. Fantastic...just fantastic....exactly what I want to hear '=_= then she went on to say that I am extremely ambitious and I will be wealthy next time but I really really really need to work very very very hard to earn it (Another blow on my face). I am also gonna die of accidents and not of health problem although I'm smoking like a chimney and drinking like a fish. Sigh....Man I need a life!

1 comment:

Pinkity said...

At least you lived life to the fullest! HEy, always the silver lining on the cloud!