Wednesday, July 12, 2006

AAaarrGghhh!!!!!! Sep 21, '04 1:21 PM

Right after writing about The Pig last night, my whole comp crashed!! Soon was saying that I'm getting my Karma for writing bad stuffs about people and posting it on the net. I can't help it!!! I just can't stand it anymore!!

Anyway back to my seems like I've got this Spyware or something infecting my comp and it was being hacked. I reckon that was what caused the virus and it murdered my beautiful lovely comp. So I'm actually writing this journal using Ken's comp. This is not the first time and I don't reckon its gonna be the last. It always happen to my comp!! I hate it! I have to bloody reformat the whole thing and all my musics, pictures and assignments are all gone! I HATE IT, HATE IT HATE IT!!!

So well since I've already gotten my karma I might as well continue a little about The Pig. Earlier today I was trying to get something which was in his room. His door was closed and he was inside doing something. So I knocked on the door and when he opened the door, I nearly fainted right on the spot!!! The smell that came out from his room was worse than ever!! It was so overwhelming you could actually smelled it 50 miles away! I am not exaggerating!!!! I nearly died! I had to hold my breath all the way while I was talking to him!Words cannot describe what it smelled like. It was the smell of his cigarratte smoke + the smell of his body + the smell of dirty bed sheets and clothes + the smell of a room which doesn't have clean air + all sorts of other things.

Nobody in this world can imagine a smell like that until they smell it themselves. I believe no one can even produce such a fragrantly challenged odour other than him!! I can't believe his dirtiness has reached into that level!! Soon was saying he has now mastered the power of internal strength. Hahahah he is now able to stop his breathing for a long time whenever he is within 200m of The Pig's vicinity. Hahahah He's Da Man!! So I'm going to go practice my power. I'm living in a house where the air is poluted and I do not wish to die young. Signing off now....Cheerios~!

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